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Piceasoft leads the trail by launching the first fully automated Windows Phone data erasure

PiceaEraser™ now provides a fully automated Windows Phone (WP) data erasure process, which does not require operator interaction with a phone after cable has been plugged-in. This process minimizes labor costs.

In addition to erasure process the system includes software upgrade and device emergency recovery features. The system supports WP 8.x and WP 10 platforms. The process is documented with a certificate indicating the erasure procedures and an electronic evidence of the performed data erasure that can be audited later via Piceasoft cloud services.

About Piceasoft Ltd
Piceasoft is an innovative and agile software company developing products to simplify people’s mobile life, established in 2012. Company provides computer and Cloud solutions for retail and consumers: once buying a new smart device, the precious data from the old device is transferred safely, available immediately in the new device, and erased from the old phone to recycle it. Solutions also include phone analyses for repair and buyback.

PiceaSwitch™ allows transferring all personal data from old to new phone as well as backup/restore; with PiceaDiagnostics™ service centers and repair shops can save money by finding No-Fault-Found (NFF) causes on the spot as well as estimate the value of phone for recycling; PiceaEraser™ is a software product that enables safe disposal, reuse or resale of mobile devices by permanently erasing all the sensitive user and system data.